Friday 22 July 2011

-bir deve kuşu öyküsü-

Kafamı sokunca toprağa, ne görürüm biliyor musun? Saf bir karanlık! O kadar temizdir ki, içinde kaybolmak onun farklı bir haz verir çünkü gördüğüm savandan, otlaklardan ve ya da türdeşlerimden farklıdır. Onu sahiplenirim. Bunun çok temel bir prensibi vardır. O karanlık bendir! Onunla konuşabilirim, beni dinler, oflamaz, gündelik işlerini beni dinlerken düşünmez. beni anlayıp anlamadığını bilmiyorum (henüz!) ama benim anlamam söz konusudur. Karanlık ve toprağın kokusuna ulaşmak için kafamı, beş duyunu birden sokmaktan daha iyi bir fikir olamaz. Bende bu iyi fikri gerçekleştiren ve gerçekleştire-bilenlerden biriyim. Benden bir sürü olması hiç de rahatsızlık vermez çünkü her kuş bilirki herkes karanlıkta farklı bir şey konuşur ve başka bir alt benliğe sahiptir. Bu kuşların farklılığı gibi gözüksede, esasında bu toprağın farklılığıdır. Burada çok daha büyük bir şeyden bahsediyorum. Mantık çok basit işler; istediğin gibi gitmediğinde, kaçmak istediğinde özellikle mental olarak ama sadece mental olması gerekmez, potansiyel tehlikeler içinde geçerlidir, çünkü sen 'lanetolası' bir kuşsundur, kafanı toprağa sokman yeterlidir..


Thursday 7 January 2010

MARVELous 14

last one, last one !! sorry for the emotinol burst of mine but ı think ı deserved the exclamation to myself. =)

hello everyone ıt ıs a great feelıng that when you come to the 14. post .

lets get serıous !
marvel is a firm that in the world which is most common comıc organization.
i m fun of comic and i love marvel comics also ı m a gatherer of them. marvel's one of the best part is that it does not have such a stupid character called ' superman ' =)
just try to remember with me guys, when you re 7 ( sonja you please do the formula to yourself ı couldnt antıcıpate your age at that times ) at star TV spiderman plays and you re adhere to the TV and watch the cartoon with your that ( maybe with a cool cartooner mom too :P ). arent you just amazed with it !
the maın creater of this world is 'stan lee' ı do respect hım because of hıs masterpıeces.
ı m fallın love with mary jane by the way, she is so pretty and clever.
not only spıderman but also ı m fun of daredevıl, x-men, avengers etc.
they are all my kıds !

however ı have not place to talk about all of them :(

just know that it is still MARVELous to read that comics instead of they include philosophy and visualarts to the first times while we were watching on TV .


last lesson ! 13

folks ı m not happy that it is the last lesson =)
ı respected my friends to present their film, because ı belıeve everyone ( we too ) deserved respect to eachother. i liked the presentation by the way it was a cool movie. the important poınt is that i always hated last lessons due to everyone gets emotıonal and the magıc gone away, but somethıng dıfferent happened today , ı recognızed ın real ı lıked the class and ı dıdnt want to leave ıt ( ı know ı know..).
well thank you guys for a great 101 class
ı m dying for writing blog and insomnia today but it is kinda entertaining (masochisticly).. =)

ı m glad you want us on 102 class ı really m.
ı m gonna mıss somethıng ın thıs class

have a happy face dear frıends


louco 12

you mıght have been curıous about why m ı sıgnıng as louco to my real name. actually ı adopted it more than my real name.
here is the story of this event it is kinda interesting;

in old stories of capoeira legends, as ı mentioned before capoeira was forbidden to train for slaves in Brazil. however they were traning to defend themselves and when it is neccesary to atack. they developed a system to prevent to get known by portuguese cops which is giving themselves a nickname , it will protect them from the cops and their original id name. thats pretty clever i guess.
the second theory of this was, in a roda( circle, where capoeira fighters train and plays inside) they do not know their name , and when they see a fighters moves/tricks they associate with anything. as ı need to give example , a capoeirista plays so harsh, aggressive and mascular also skin colour is black ( ı just maded up these crıterıas there is no rule or something it could be anythıng they want ) , could be called as pantera ( panther in english ).

these nicknames fit to the person and the capoeira fighter who had one of these, it would be a specıal meanıng to hım/her. And from now on they called what they got, it wont be changed anymore.

my story was funny to me actually, in my belt exam there are 3 instructors and the 3 of them decided without asking themselves, the same nickname to me. when they recognized the sıtuatıon ıt was funny for them too.

with my best wishes

first 101 lesson 11

it was a strange day to me, first day of english and ı really really got bored of english lessons due to prep year. ı was goıng my class with these noises ' hoff , poff' than ı finally achived the class, took my place(as i remember again next to elif) and when ı looked to the teacher finally, she was blond and foreign the first critics of myself. ı actually become happy because i want to speak english on the english lesson, unfortunatelly if your teacher is on your nation , the language turns to the maın language when intimacy gets started . the second thing was the tattoo which is just good to me, i love themn =)

and majorly ı remember she asked what is the way of getting participation ..?
ı answered comıng to the class a happy face.
at that tıme maybe ıt could be mısunderstood or couldnt be understood clearly, but ı m defending my word still, this is really important issue folks positive energy are everywhere and we all have the connectıon to share ıt ( watch the film of 'Avatar' talks about the same thıng)

thank you sonja for approximately having a happy face in lessons ..

louco ...

V 10

we were presented the film called 'V for Vandetta'
initially thanks meltem,yavuzalp and burak for interesting details.
ıt ıs a nıce fılm ofcourse but to be honest ı couldnt have found the relatıon between our topıcs, on the other hand thank to presenters =)
before it, 'vfv' has a serıous revolutionary theme besides. i remember when ıt first on the vision, our high school revolution guys imitated v's behaivers&words. they were sympatich actually to me =)
ın the fılm v symbolizes lots of thing to me but most obviously anarchism and victory, and also ı wondered the strategy behind number 5, sadly ı couldnt realize it is similar with romano number as V !

ı hope you all have recognize it without a presentation of fılm ;)


christmas EVE 09

ı love christmas since ı was a child, always jealous in a good way the christian countries celebrations. Santa Claus , presents , whole family together issues and snow (!) these are the inevitable objects what make chrıstmas hilarous for a child. ı advise you to watch 'Grinch', it tells the soul of christmas perfectly. ıt includes the real love of helping people.
a thing that i never gonna forget was sonja trıed to gıve us the soul wıth the songs .. and the brownies =) ( they were good ı couldnt say ıt ın class )
